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Studio Lighting Research

1. Francesc Català-Roca Great photographer because: - One of the best natural light photographers - Great at using a fast shutter speed - Usually unaware subject matter

Two Dogs and Two Women

How he took this photo:

Shutter Speed: 1/500 - 1/250

ISO: Between 200 - 400 Aperture: F32

Natural light source


2. Raúl Rodríguez Great photographer because: - Works his lighting very well

- Great knowledge of exposure - Good example of a good portrait photographer

Elderly Man

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/125 - 1/125

ISO: 50 - ISO 100

Aperture: F11 - F8

Natural light source from behind


3. Charles Hildreth

Great Photogrpaher because: - Thoughtful choice of lighting - His subjects "glow" - Great at positioning his subjects

Elderly Woman

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/2 - 1/30

ISO: ISO 200 - ISO 800

Aperture Speed: F32 - F16

Natural light source, light with diffuser


4. Manny Librodo Great photographer because: - So. Much. Drama.

- Natural light master

- Use of colour is fantastic

Elderly Man

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/500 - 1/125 ISO: 100 - 400

Aperture Speed: F8 - F4

Natural light source


5. Steve McCurry

Great photographer because:

- Perfect balance of colour and light - Subjects sort of "glow" - Great amount of detail

Young Girl

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/500 - 1/125 ISO: 50 - 100

Aperture: F8 - F4

Natural light source


6. Richard Avedon

Great photographer because: - High profile subjects - Great at lighting - One of the best black and white photographers

Woman with Elephants

How he took this photograph: Shutter Speed: 1/1000 - 1/500 ISO: 100 - 400 Aperture: F32 - F22

Studio lights, no diffuser


7. George Hoyningen-Huene

Great photographer because:

- Great subject positioning

- Good use of shadows

- One of the best fashion photographers of the 20th century

Women and Men in Bathing Suits

How he took this photograph: Shutter Speed: 1/500 - 1/200 ISO: 50 - 100 Aperture: F32 - F22 Studio lights, no diffuser


8. Gordon Parks Great photographer because: - One of the best photojournalists of all time

- Makes subjects shine - Uses light to make viewer focus on subject

3 Kids in a Convenience Store

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/500 - 1/125

ISO: 50 - 200

Aperture: F32 - F11

Natural Light, Possibly Incandescent Lightbulbs and Indirect Outside Light


9. Jimmy Nelson Great photographers because: - Great at drama lighting - Good use of camera aperture

- Well placed lighting

Man, Donkey, and Large Bird

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/1000 - 1/500

ISO: 50 - 100

Aperture: F32 - F22

Natural lighting


10. Dan Winters

Great photographer because: - Great use of lighting - Illuminates subjects - Great amount of detail in lighting

Old Man

How he took this photo: Shutter Speed: 1/500 - 1/125

ISO: 50 - 100

Aperture: F22 - F16

Fluorescent Light, potential use of Indirect light with reflector and diffuser.

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